Wednesday, March 14, 2012



Q: Will spray tan protect me from getting a sunburn?

A: No! When going into the sun, you must wear sun protection.
The only way it will help to protect you is that you will not be tempted to sun bake since you will have your tan already.

 Q: Is the spray tanning solution safe?

A: DHA has been tested, and approved by FDA, so I assume it is safe however, there can be anywhere up to 40 ingredients in spray tanning solution, many of them without ANY testing EVER, so those are the ones you have to watch.

Q: Is there anything that I can do to assure that I get the best spray tan?

A: Absolutely. One of the most important things that you must do is to thoroughly exfoliate before spray tanning. The shallower the dead skin layer on the surface of your skin, the more time it will take for this layer to build up before it starts rubbing off. That means the better the exfoliation, the more even your tan will be throughout its life and the longer it will last. Of course it is just as vital to moisturize every day after spray tanning to keep your skin from drying out and exfoliating prematurely.

Q: How brown will I get?

A: Everybody’s skin develops its own individual color. Some people go very brown, others get just a glow. For those people, with repeated sessions, the skin tends to get used to solution, and starts to develop more color. (You only need a few sessions to achieve this).

Q: How long will the tan last?

A: Depending on how well you prepare, and take care of your spray tan afterwards, about 5-10 days. If you tan regularly, your skin will get used to the spray, and will hold the color longer. Then you might need a top up every 2 weeks or so.

Q: How soon after the spray tan can I shower?

A: Leave it on for at least 5 hours. If you spray tanned with a clear solution then you might choose to go to bed without showering, and wake up brown! If you spray tanned with a solution that contained a bronzer, better take that shower, or you will stain the sheets.

Q: My last spray tan was different than the previous one, even though it was done in the same spray tan salon.

A: Again, it comes down to your skin. Your skin is a living thing, and is affected by many things like: time of the month, season, food you eat, stress, medication you take etc. If your tan is different, even though solution used was the same, the most probable cause is the condition of your skin.

Q: What if I have a very fair skin that has never been able to tan?

A: Hey, this is exactly why the spray tanning process was designed in the first place, for people that could not tan by any other method! Most probably you will get a fantastic color with spray tan! Of course, people that tan easily will tan too.

Q: Will I spray tan evenly if I have hair on my legs/arms?

A: Hair is not a problem. At the end of the tanning cycle you will notice droplets of solution on your hair, just towel this excess solution off with a towel provided.

Q: What if I have a bald spot?

A: Just skip the shower cap. It is provided only for the purpose of keeping your hair dry. The solution will not do anything to your hair, but it is a good idea to tan your bald spot as well.

Q: What if spray tanning solution will get into my eyes?

A: It’s best to keep your eyes closed during the misting process; because although DHA has been approved for external use it should not come in contact with mucous membranes. If you tan regularly it is especially important as there is no data showing what effect DHA has on a body with extended use.

Q: I had bad experience with a spray tan before. Should I assume that spray tanning is not for me?

A: No, there are many factors that could affect your tan; the skill of the technician (if tanned with hand held gun), the quality of solution, your skin condition at a time.

Q: I used spray tanning product recommended by a friend. She gets a great tan; I turn orange.

A: Your friend has different skin. You might have to choose a different product that is suitable for your skin. Try using the products more sparingly, this often helps.

Almost everybody has a tube of self-tanning product in their drawer that did not work for them. Swap those with your friends and experiment. Chances are that what’s bad for them might be just perfect for you. Just watch those "use by" dates. Those products have limited shelf life.

Q: I had a spray tan in a booth, and when I came out, I had streaks on the back of my legs.

A: This problem occurs only if there is a bronzer in the solution. Next time, after you come out of the booth, immediately wipe the backs of your legs. If the streaks will not disappear, the shop assistant should gently wipe them off with wet wipes, and then lightly re apply tanning solution.

Q: Can I spray tan if I am pregnant?

A: When I had the salon, I was told that spray tanning in pregnancy is safe. However, I found out some disturbing facts, which you should know about. Visit my page which deals with tanning in pregnancy to find out more.

Q: Can I go swimming after spray tanning?

A: Wait at least 6 hours. Chlorinated water will bleach your tan really quickly, so I would not advise it. If you want to swim in the sea, make your swims short. The longer you soak yourself, the faster your tan will come off.

Q: Can I have sex after a spray tan?

A: Not straight away if you are planning to sweat. If you do sweat, your tan will run. It will be really bad if you had a tan with a bronzer. You will look like you are mud wrestling. You will also stain the sheets. If you had a spray tan with a clear solution, it is best to wait about 4 hours before you even consider jumping into bed. If solution had a bronzer in it, wait the allocated developing time, then have a shower. Now you can have fun.


  1. I am absolutely amazed after I have read these tips. Many thanks for the info. Its a great learning since I have been using mobile spray tanning for quite sometime.

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